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Dropbox Rewind

What does 'Rewind this folder mean'?

What is Dropbox Rewind? Dropbox Rewind will allow you to revert a large number of changes to files in a single folder or folder tree all at once.
If you are more interested in recovering a single deleted file or reverting
a single file back to its previous state, we have options for that as well.

Okay, we'll now step through a example of how to run a rewind from So I happened to be in a folder here, and when I came to it, I realised that all the files seem to be missing. I could go to this cogwheel, and I could go and show all the deleted files. Now I have a large number of folders each which contain files which have been deleted. Then I could choose a file and I could then restore it. Instead of doing this one at a time. Instead, I can do this action all at once. So I'm going to come back to the marketing folder, and now I can choose the cogwheel and I have two ways to get to rewind. I can, from the main menu, go to "rewind this folder". I can also find that option under the activity pane. And then I have rewind this folder.

Now, Rewind will open up the side panel which I can see when a number of changes occurred. So I can see some changes occurred here today on the 1st of April. I can also go back in time so I can revert back and see what changes were made at this time and date. So I'll press continue. Now I can see all the different changes. So there was an edit done here. We had a rename action. We had some more files that were added, and you can choose what to keep when you do the rewind. So you can choose a point in time that you are referring to. You can also show newer history, and you'll notice that this top level is something that I can't rewind to. And the reason for that is this represents the current state of the file. So you can't really revert to your current state. It will be a redundant action. So we're going to choose to rewind to this point in time. I will then press continue. I have a final review. So this is the state where we are now. And we're going to revert the file back to the 21st of March at 10:04. And then all the files and folders will look as they did on that day. So I'll click rewind. And it's going to start repopulating this folder with the files that have been removed. Or and it's actually been changed. And I can see them beginning to reappear here.

So once again Dropbox rewind allows you to revert a single folder or a folder tree back to its previous point in time, undoing changes to files including additions, edits, and deletions.

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