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Dropbox Legal Holds - how to remove members

En appliquant une mesure de conservation légale sur un membre d’une équipe Dropbox, les administrateurs peuvent accéder à tous les contenus créés ou modifiés par cette personne. Découvrez comment les administrateurs peuvent supprimer des conservations légales à travers l’interface d’administration ainsi que supprimer tous les fichiers associés à cette conservation.

Conservations légales et exclusion des membres

So what we're going to be showing here is how to remove a member of an existing legal hold. In order to do this, we will go into the admin console, navigate to data governance, and then access legal holds.

Once I've selected my hold, which currently contains three held members, and I want to remove one specific member, all I need to do is edit the hold. I'll click on "continue," and then I simply remove the member from the hold, followed by clicking "continue" again. After making these changes, I will save, and the hold will be updated. Now, it will show that the hold only includes these two members after the removal of the specified member. This demonstrates how these two members are the only ones remaining in the hold.

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