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Legal Holds demo (and data governance overview)

Uma visão geral da governança de dados e das retenções legais do Dropbox

Hi, my name is Austin Plott, a solutions architect at Dropbox. Today, I want to show you our data governance feature set and why it might be valuable for you and your team.

I'm going to start within the admin console where you may already be managing your members' content and settings around your account. You'll notice that there is a data governance tab that's already built in natively within Dropbox. There are a few features that I want to show you.

The first two are included within the data retention tab. Now, with the click of a button, we can create a new policy around team folders for either retaining data, which will prevent the deletion of data for a certain period of time after the last activity, or a disposition policy that will automatically delete data after a certain period of time since creation. You can create a policy after a certain number of days or years. It's worth noting that this can only be applied to team folders or their subfolders, where team-based content usually resides.

Next, we'll go to legal holds. If you have experience with legal holds, you'll know how painful of a process that can often be. We want to make it pretty easy on you. Here, we can create a new hold, give it a test hold name and description, and include up to a hundred individuals per hold without notifying them. We can set a start date in the past if needed and either define an end date or set it to be indefinite. Once created, we can generate a summary, making a CSV change log of every file exported and their versions, or we can create the export itself in a zip file, with various filters such as specific users, dates, or file types. Lastly, you can choose to export the latest version or every version.

It's worth mentioning that the content exported and captured in the legal hold is only what a member has either created or edited.

The last feature I'd like to mention, although I can't demonstrate it, is our extended version history. By default, Dropbox offers you 180 days of version history for past versions and deleted files. With extended version history, we supercharge that to ten years. This means not only will data retention, disposition policies, and legal holds be extended up to ten years, but your end users will also have the ability to roll back previous files, making it useful for projects or work from years ago.

Thank you for your time in exploring data governance. I hope this has been useful. Please reach out if you'd like to start a conversation about adding these features to your team. Thank you.

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