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Dropbox Capture Say more with less

Demostración rápida de Dropbox Capture

Anyone working in a creative field has experienced the extensive wordy email trying to articulate a complex and often detailed visual concept. Dropbox Capture solves this problem by allowing for personalized, highlighted feedback directly on your content. Let's take a look at an example.

Here, a company has a new product that they are going to launch, and this is the proposed artwork. The key stakeholders can easily provide feedback via a simple screen grab. Not only does this eliminate the need to access specific software, but the comments are added directly on the content. Simple, direct, and no interpretation needed. The screen grab can then easily be shared back to the entire production team.

Capture also has screen recording abilities. As I'm demonstrating now, content combined with video messaging creates personalized one-to-one engagement. If we return to our product launch, the artwork has now finally been approved. To promote this, the head of marketing creates a Capture video. They explain the overall concept, the strategy, and advice of next steps in the coming days. This message is easily shared, but this time, with internal team members only.

This effective communication eliminates the need for lengthy and unnecessary emails and meetings, and end users can view their captures in their own time, creating open collaboration and communication no matter where they work or what time zone they're working in.

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