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Dropbox Single Sign-On (SSO)

Dropbox のシングル サインオン(SSO)では、ユーザーは一度のログインで複数のアプリケーションやシステムへのアクセスが認証されます。これにより、複数のパスワードやログイン ID が必要なくなるため、効率の向上につながります。この短い動画で、チームで SSO を有効にする方法をご覧ください。

チームで SSO を有効にする方法

Dropbox gives team admins the ability to require single sign-on whenever team members are logging into their Dropbox team.

Single sign-on, or SSO, is very important because it gives employers the ability to require employees to log in with one login and password so that they can use that one single login and password across multiple corporate applications, websites, or access other data that they have permissions to.

SSO is a key problem-solving solution for businesses to give them better security and compliance, improved usability, employee satisfaction, and it actually lowers IT costs. A good example of this is when a user enters their full name and single sign-on is already set up, it will show that single sign-on is enabled and will automatically take the password field away.

If single sign-on is optional or if they are a team admin, they will still be able to log in with Dropbox credentials. They will just need to click this little link down here. In this case, we're going to be using Office 365 to log in. Then once we log in, it's going to redirect me back into Dropbox.

To get to the settings for this, you'll go to the admin console, then settings, then single sign-on. By default, this setting is off, and then once you turn it on to optional, team admins will be able to come in and set up all the settings here. Generally, they would start with the single sign-on URL. They will give that to their identity provider. Then once the identity provider gives them the correct sign-in URL, they'd put that here as well as uploading their x509 certificate here.

One additional thing that they can do is turn on and off Google sign-in here. Normally, if a team is using single sign-on, they will also want to turn off Google sign-in.

One special note here: Once you turn this to required, all members on the team will be required to use single sign-on with the exception of team administrators, and this will send an email out to all team members.

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